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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Monday, March 15, 2004

WrestleMania XX: Where is all begins again

Full Detailed WWE WrestleMania XX Report. Once again thanks to and Kevin Romano for the PBP of last nights SuperBowl of Wrestling, Wrestlemania.

The Fink welcomes the Harlem Boys Choir to sing "America The Beautiful" as WrestleMania XX gets underway (without a vignette), with various Patriotic images shown on screen.


Cena comes down to the ring and talks about beating the big show. Big Show then comes down the ring to begin the match. Both men start noff with a stare down, crowd chants "Cena". Both men lock up, Big Show tosses Cena to the ring corner.

Big Show tosses Cena out of the ring with one hand. Cena gets back into the ring, Big Show grabs his head and tries to hit it against the top rope. Cena counters. Big Show slams Cena to the ring floor and gets a 2 count. Crowd starts chanting "Lets go Cena". Cena starts firing back with right hands to the face. Big Show counters with a clothesline.

Big Show sucks chants. Big Show lifts Cena up and slams him to the ring floor. Big Show brings Cena to the edge of the ring and chokes Cena by stepping on his chest. Big Show hits a vertical suplex on Cena, and gets a 2 count. Big Show picks Cena up and hits him with a headbutt. Big Show brings Cena to the corner and hits with a right hand slap to the chest. Cena falls to the floor and Big Show goes to stand on Cena's back. Cena starts firing back with right hands, Big Show counters with a right foot to the jaw.

Cena is down, trying to get back up. Big Show hits a cobra clutch onto Cena. Cena starts to fight back, but Big Show fires back. Cena starts firing back with some shots to the ribs. Cena starts hitting right hands. Cena hits a shot to Big Show's jaw. Cena lifts up Big Show for the F.U. Cena gets a 2 count.

Cena looks disappointed/surprised. Cena grabs a chain, but the reff makes him throw it away, Cena grabs something else, hits it at Big Show and gets a 3 count.



John Cena celebrates his US title win. The Coach walks around backstage and meets up with several WWE former wrestlers. Then goes over to Eric Bischoff and tells Coach to Find the Undertaker. Coach says UT is with SmackDown! Coach says Alright, your the boss. Evolution member Randy Orton talks about Mick Foley. A few clips of Foley is shown with various shots. Orton says it will all begin again.


La Resistance vs Booker T/RVD vs Dudley Boys vs Garrison Cade/Jindrak
Match starts off first with RVD/Rene Dupree in the ring. Tag to Booker T, Booker hits a kick to the face, followed by a 2 count. Both members of La Resistance are in the ring, Booker throws the other member out of the ring. Rene tags in Bubba Dudley. Both men lock up. Bubba hits a neck breaker onto Booker for a 2 count. Left hands to Booker T, Booker counters with a kick. D-von Dudley enters the ring, RVD helps out Booker by fighting D-von. Mark enters the ring followed by a 2 count.

Right hands to the back of Booker. Garrison Cade is tagged into the ring. Booker hits some pucnhes. Cade hits a kick to the face. La Resistance teams up on Booker T. Rob Conway is tagged in. Conway hits a knee-to-back on Booker T.

Booker T starts to fight the hold off. Conway hits a kick to the chest, followed by a irish whip takedown. Back to the back-hold. Booker T hits a spinebuster on Conway. Booker T tags in RVD. RVD starts fighting off La Resitance and Jindrak/Cade. RVD gets to the top of the ropes, but D-Von tosses him off. D-Vin prepares to hit the 3-D but no luck. RVD gets to the top of the ring and hits a 5 star for the pin.



Booker T and RVD celebrate there win.
Coach is shown in the back looking for Undertaker. Someone backstage says freakish noises are coming from a room. Mene Gene is shown coming out of the room. Bobby Heenan is shown fighting someone off. Fab. Moolah and Mae Young comes out of the room. Both women start kissing Heenan/Okerlund. Door closes.

Christian/Chris Jericho package is shown leading to the match.


Christian vs Chris Jericho
Jericho has control over the match during the start. Jericho hits a quick clothesline on Christian. Both men at the corner of the ring, Jericho hits Christian with a kick to the chest. Christian fights back trying to throw Jerricho out of the ring but it doesn't work. Christian is thrown out of the ring with a back flip. Jericho gets to the top of the ring and slams Christian from on the floor.

Jericho tosses Christian back into the ring. Christian gets a 2 count on Jericho. Jericho counters trying to hit the walls of Jericho. Christian lifts Jericho up and throws him over the top rope. Christian now has control over the ring and starts some right hands and a choke on Jericho. Jericho comes back with right hands and a chop. Christian gets Jericho back and a 1 count. Christian gets a head-lock on Jericho, but Jericho fights back. When Jericho counters, Christian rips some of Jericho's hair out.

Jericho tries to fight back, but Christian gets a snapmire takeover followed by a chin lock. Jericho once again starts to fight back but Christian counters. Jericho once again tries for the Walls of Jericho, but Christian scrapes Jericho's eye area. Christian gets a 2 count. Christian starts teasing Jericho, and a kick to the chest. Both men are now down, reff starts counting, but both men get up by 7. Jericho nails a top toe hold to Christian.

Jericho gets a 2 count on Christian. Both men are back up, Jericho grabs Christian, for a 2 count, followed by a reversal for another 2 count. Jericho hits Christian with a modified bulldog. Jericho goes for a lionsault but Christian counters. Both men are now getting back up, Christian tries to attempt a backslide but it is countered. Christian gets a 2 count on Jericho. Jericho hits a lariat on Christian and both men now get back up. Christian hits a sleeper, but then goes for a snapmire. Christian goes to the top rope, but Jericho counters and goes to the top rope as well. Christian counters the superplex by throwing Jericho off. Christian hits a cross body and goes for a pin, but it is countered and Jericho gets a 2 count.

Christian attemps a texas cloverleap/sharpshooter. Jericho tries to fight the move off, Y2J chants by the crowd, Jericho counters with an inside cradle to Walls of Jericho. Christian gets to the rope but Jericho holds onto the move, both men are on the floor with the move still being held. Jericho picks Christian up and takes him to the top of the ring. Jericho messes up the move and both men fall. Jericho picks him up for a suplex from the top rope. Both men are down, Jericho gets a 2 count.

Trish Stratus now comes to the ring and cheers Jericho on. Jericho hits some right hands onto Christian. Christian lands a DDT on Jericho but only gets a 2 count. Tries again for a pin but only gets a 2 count. Christian notices Trish and grabs her by the hair into the ring. Christian tosses Trish over. Christian wins the match after Jericho checks on Trish.



Trish is shown trying to apologize. Christian comes back into the ring but Trish holds Jericho back. Trish then attacks Jericho and Christian comes back into the ring and finishes Jericho off.
Christian and Trish go towards the back and are shown kissing.

Mick Foley is interviewed in the back. Talks about first match in 4 years. Rock then comes out and tells Foley he has to let the emotion go. Rock starts his usual promos. Rock goes around the back and shows Foley other Wrestlers, fans. Interview is closed off for the start of the match.


Evolution vs Rock n Sock Connection
Evolution comes down the ring first. Followed by Mick Foley then The Rock.

Match starts off with all 5 wrestlers in the ring. Batista is tossed out of the ring. Rock and Foley are now the only ones left in the ring. Rock and Flair are the legal men. Rock/Flair lock up and Rock tosses off Flair.

Flair hits some chops on the Rock. Rock tosses Flair over his head. Both men out of the ring, Flair pokes Rock's eyes. Backdrop on Flair out of the ring. Foley and Rock both team up on Flair. Flair/Rock back into the ring. Orton is tagged in followed by Mick Foley. Orton backs out of the ring, Foley follows and they fight outside of the ring. Foley/Orton fight near the SmackDown booth. Both men are now back into the ring. Foley hits an elbow drop followed by a 2 count.

Foley sets Orton in a tree of wolves and tags in Rock. Foley hits an elbow on Orton and then Rock kicks Orton in the midsection with the held hold. Rock hits a clothesline on Orton. Flair hits a cheapshot, Rock counters with a punch. Rock is thrown out of the ring with the help of Batista. Batista is now tagged in. Batista throws Rock into the ring corner followed by some kicks. Rock counters, but Batista hits a reversed elbow followed by a 2 count. Flair is now tagged in. Rock tries to tag Foley in but flair says "I don't think so".

Flair hits some right hand chops while Rock is in the corner and goes for a strut. Flair gets back up and goes to the top of the ring. Rock throws off Flair as always done on Flair. Flair tags in Batista. Batista hits right hands to the Rock. Batista gets a few headbutts on Rock. Rock then tags in Foley. Foley fights off Batista. Foley hits Batista with a kick to the face and punches Flair out of the ring.

Batista is now in the corner of the ring. Foley runs off but Batista counters. Batista throws Foley out of the ring and Flair/Orton double team on Foley. Orton throws Foley into the steel steps. Orton is now tagged in and gets a 2 count. Orton gets Foley into the corner and stops him with his foot. Orton gets out of the ring, grabs Foleys head and hits some right hands. Flair is now tagged back into the ring. Flair hits Foley with some shots to the chest. Foley starts fighting back with some right hands. Foley tries to tag in Rock but Flair holds his legs. Flair tags in orton.

Orton has a mouth lock move on Foley, and then switches to a chin lock. Foley tries to fight the hold off with some elbows to the midsection. Orton tags in Batista. Foley counters Batista's hits with a mandible claw. Evolution members help Batista out of the hold. Flair is now tagged into the ring. Foley is brought into Evolutions corner and Batista is now tagged back into the ring. Foley hits a swinging neck breaker on Batista. Rock is fired up wanting to get into the ring. Foley and Batista each clothesline each other. Flair is now tagged into the ring. Foley tries to tag in Rock but Flair takes him to another side of the ring. Rock is now tagged into the ring. Rock hits a flying forearm on Batista and then starts to attack all of the evolution members. Batista hits a spinebuster slam on Rock. Flair begs Batista to let him finish off the Rock. Flair mocks the Rock for the peoples elbow. Rock gets back up with some Right hands. Batista is in the ring and gets spinebusterd. Flair gets spinebustered as well. Rock then goes for the peoples elbow and makes fun of Flair.

Rock gets a close 2 count on Flair. Flair nails Rock with a thumb to the eye and tags in Orton. Rock gets a Rock bottom and goes to pin Orton, but Flair drags Rock out of the ring. Flair runs off and grabs a chair and distracts the reff. Batista hits a powerbomb on Rock. Orton gets a 2 count on the Rock. Crowd is cheering for the Rock to tag Foley into the ring. Orton gets up grabs Rocks legs but still tags in Foley. Flair and Batista fight off Foley but counters. Foley hits a double armed DDT. Foley pulls out Mr Socko, but orton hits the RKO for the pin.



Evolution celebrates the win.
Foley is shown upset and goes over to the crowd. Rock claps his hands for Foley, and they shake hands/hug.

Hall of Fame clips are shown. Hall of Fame inductees are shown talking. Ventura says in 2008 a wrestler should be put into the White House.

Mene Gene comes down into the post, and talks about the weekend events. Gene introduces the Hall of Fame class of 2004.


Sable/Torrie WIlson vs Miss Jackie/Stacy Kiebler
All women are now in the ring. Sable says she is unconfortable/restricted with the evening grown match, then says her and Torrie want to start the match without the evening gowns. All but Jackie take their gowns off. Sable comes over and tears off her gown. Sable and Jackie start the mathch off. Torrie is tagged into the ring and hits a cross body from the top rope.

Stacy is tagged into the ring, Torrie gets a cartwheel followed by a kick to Stacy. Torrie hits a 2 count on Stacy, both women continue to reverse. Stacy gets up and kicks Sable down followed by a 2 count. Jackie/Torrie fight around the ring and knock the reff down. 3 count on Jackie



Stacy is upset, Jackie storms out of the ring. Sable/Torrie celebrate in the ring. Towards the back both women kiss.
Video of pre-show is shown with fans talking about the trip to see WMXX.

Eddie Guerrero is shown backstage passing by other SmackDown wrestlers. Eddie goes over to Benoit and talks about the matches. Benoit tries to not talk to Eddie. Eddie says nobody expects Benoit to win. Benoit says they both will walk out with titles


Cruiserweight Open
Chavo Guerrero is first to come down to the ring.

Nunzio is 2nd to come down into the ring.

Jamie Knoble is 3rd to come down into the ring.

Tajiri and Akio are 4th and 5th down into the ring.

Funaki is 6th to come down into the ring.

Shannon Moore is 7th to come down into the ring.

Ultimo Dragon is 8th to come down into the ring.

Kidman is 9th

& Rey Mysterio is 10th to come down into the ring.

Ultimo Dragon & Shannon Moore are starting off the match.

Both men lock up, Moore knocks Dragon down and gets a 2 count. Backslide by Dragon for a 2 count. Backflip on Dragon for another 2 count. Moore with an elbow to the side of the head, tries a cookscrew but misses. Dragon hits a DDT for a 3 count.

Jamie Knoble enters the ring. Knoble gets a 2 count on Dragon, Dragon gets some kicks to the chest and gets a 2 count. Dragon throws Knoble to the ring corner followed by a back breaker. Dragon goes for a moonsault but misses. Knoble gets a front choke on Dragon and Dragon taps out.

Funaki enters the ring and immediatly gets eliminated.

Nunzio enters the ring and Knoble takes control of Nunzio. Nunzio gets a 2 count on Knoble, and gets a kick to Knoble's midsection. Nunzio goes to the top rope for a kick and a 2 count. Another cover for a 2 count. Nunzio misses a hold but Knoble counters and Nunzio gets thrown from the top rope. Knoble gets to the top rope and nails Nunzio on the floor.

Nunzio is eliminated via a 10 count outside of the ring.

Billy Kidman enters the ring, Kidman kicks Knoble out of the ring. Kidman then goes for a shooting star press on Nunzio/Knoble outside of the ring. 2 Count on Knoble. Knoble gets a choke hold on Kidman but counters for a back body drop. Knoble is down, Kidman goes for a shooting star but Knoble counters. Both men on the top rope, Jamie Knoble eliminated.

Rey Mysterio enters the ring. Dropkick by Kidman on Mysterio and gets a 2 count. Droplick by mysterio, Kidman is knocked out of the ring. Kidman puts Rey on the top rope, follows up trying a powerslam from the top rope. Mysterio tosses Kidman off the ring and follows up with a 3 count.

Tajiri enters the ring.

Rey hits the 619 on Tajiri and then goes off the top rope but misses his move. Tajiri accidently mists Akio. Tajiri is eliminated via pinfall.

Akio now cant compete due to his eyes blocked.

Tajiri hits Rey with a cheapshot. Chavo enters the ring and tries to take advantage but only gets a 2 count. Rey hits a springboard onto Chavo. Rey Mysterio takes out Chavo Sr with a Sentwan(??) from the top rope. Rey gets a sunset flip and tries to pin. Chavo counters and gets a pin via the help of Chavo Sr. holding Chavo's arms.



Leading to Lesnar vs Goldberg as the next match.
Video's clips shown leading to the match.


Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg
Steve Austin(guest reff) is first to come down the ring with his ATV.

Brock Lesnar is 2nd to come down into the ring.

Bill Goldberg now comes into the ring.

All men are now in the ring. Match starts off.

You sold out(for brock) chants are heard around the arena. Goodbye chants are now heard for Brock as well. Jim Ross is now confirming the rumors that Lesnar may go to the NFL. Both men are still just staring at each other. They finally grapple up. Goldberg chants in the crowd followed by boo's. Hold breaks off and Lesnar is showing off. They lock up again.

The lock is broken up once again, both men stare at each other. This match sucks chants are now going around. Sideheadlock on Goldberg from Brock. Both men colide and once again they stare at each other. Both men go nose to nose. Lesnar and Goldberg colide once again. Boring chants now from the crowd. Brock stomps away on Goldberg. Goldberg picks Brock up for a military press followed by a modified speer. Goldberg then goes for another spear, but Brock moves off and Goldberg falls out of the ring. Both men are now out of the ring. Brock hits Goldberg with some punches and then throws Goldberg back into the ring.

Brock attempts a suplex but Goldberg blocks, goes for another one and hits it for a 2 count. Brock hits another suplex on Goldberg and gets back up. Both men are now up and Brock has a head lock on Goldberg. Goldberg tries to fight out of the hold, Brock counters with kicks to the chest and keeps on to the head lock. Goldberg finally gets out of the hold. Brock tosses Goldberg down and then goes back to the headlock.

Goldberg once again breaks out of the ring by tossing Brock over him. Brock/Goldberg once again colide. Brock goes for the pin but gets a 2 count. More this match sucks chants from the crowd. Brock brings Goldberg to the ring corner and gets some headbutts to Goldbergs chest. Goldberg hits Brock with a clothesline, and goes for a snapmire takeover on Brock. Goldberg prepares for the speer and nails for a 2 count. Goldberg goes up to Austin's face. Brock gets up and gives Goldberg the F-5. Lesnar goes for the pin and gets a 2 count as well.

Brock now gets up to Austin's face about the count. Both men are now back up, Brock semes to be going for his own spear but misses and hits the ring post. Goldberg hits Lesnar for the spear and then goes for the jackhammer, gets a 3 count and wins the match.



Goldberg celebrates his win over Brock Lesnar. Announcers say their was no bad reffering in the match.
Lesnar is now getting back up, Austin is in front of him. Goldberg is shown leaving the ring, his music stops and they go back to the ring.

Goodbye/sold out chants for Brock are heard.

Brock/Goldberg stare at each other. Brock Lesnar is shown giving 2 middle fingers to the crowd and then to Austin. Austin gives Brock a stunner and kicks him out of the ring. Austin's music hits and he calls for his beer. Goldberg walks back into the ring and Austin tosses him beer. Austin gives Goldberg a Stunner. Austin then leaves with his ATV.


Pyro is shown shooting out of MSG. Preview for MSG 21 is shown @ the staples center.
Vince McMahon is now announced into the stage.

Vince talks about the theme of this years WrestleMania. Vince thanks the fans for supporting the WWE/making WrestleMania what it is.

Next match Cole/Tazz will be announcing


World's Greatest Tag Team vs Rikishi/Scotty vs Basham Brothers vs APA
World's greatest tag team comes out first, followed by the APA. Basham Brothers are next to come into the ring, Rikishi/Scotty 2 Hotty are last to come into the ring.

Match starts off with Shelton/Bradshaw. Shelton slaps Bradshaw. Bradshaw gets a 2 count on Shelton. Doug Basham tagged in by Bradshaw. Danny Basham is now tagged into the ring. Danny gets a 2 count on Shelton. Danny is tripped and Charlie Haas is now tagged in. Backbreaker on Danny, followed by a 2 count. Jawbreaker on Danny. Scotty 2 Hotty tags Danny Bradshaw to get into the ring. Scotty hits a suplex on Charlie Haas. Kick to the midsection on Charlie Haas. World's greatest tag team, team up on Scotty, Charlie gets a 2 count.

Bearhold on Scotty. Doug Basham kicks Soctty into the face after he is tagged in. Danny is tagged into the ring and they double team Scotty. Shelton Benjamin break up a 1 count. Scotty tries to tag in Rikishi but the Danny pulls him away, Scotty goes for a kick to the face and falls back while Doug tags himself in. Rikishi is now tagged into the ring and taking control of the ring. Clothesline to bradshaw.

(screen is currently whited out) PBP will resume when its fixed

Danny and Bradshaw are in the ring, clothesline from hell onto Danny. Rikishi hits a back bomb on Bradshaw. Rikishi slams onto Danny's face and gets a 3 count.



Rikishi/Scotty are shown celebrating with their normal dancing.
Edge video is shown hyping up his future return.

Jesse enters the ring with his mic, and talks about WrestleMania without Jesse The Body doing an interview just like 20 years ago.

Jesse looks toward the crowd and says he will interview the host of WrestleMania 4 and 5 Donald Trump. Donald talks about his history with Vince. Jesse asks if he will have his financial support if he gets back into politics, mentions a wrestler should be in the White House in 2008. Looks like Jesse may run for president in 2008.


Molly Holly vs Victoria
A Barber is shown with his set in the back for the next match.

Molly Holly is first to enter the ring, followed by Victoria.

Match starts off with a lock-up. Molly starts the offence with some kicks/punches and throws Victoria to the corner of the ring. Molly hits Victoria with a arm ring takedown. Victoria goes for a rollup and a 1 count. Molly leaves the ring. Molly tries to get back into the ring but Victoria blocks. Molly throws Victoria into the ring and goes for a 1 count. Molly gets a suplex and followed by a 2 count.

Molly hits a snapmire takeover and gets another 2 count. Molly gets a neck hold on Victoria. Victoria hits a head takedown to break the hold. Victoria goes for a roll for a 2 count and starts her offence, which is blocked with a kick to the midsection by Molly. Molly goes up to the top of the ring, followed by Victoria to set up a superplex. Molly fights off Victoria and goes for a powerbomb from the top, followed by a 2 count.

Molly Holly in control, picks Victoria up but Victoria counters and goes for a backslide, followed by a pin.


due to a special stipulation, Molly Holly must now get her hair shaved.

Molly is shown running out of the stage, with Victoria Chasing her. Victoria catches up, but Molly goes for the offence. Molly puts Victoria in the barberchair and wants to shave Victoria, but the razor isnt plugged in. Molly puts hairspray on Victoria. Victoria takes control an sets Molly in the chair and ties her into it. Victoria does the shaving and shaves Molly's hair off.


Molly screams out no to Victoria, but Victoria shaves more hair off of Molly. We now go over to the SmackDown announcing team.
Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle preview video is shown.

They are shown with Molly's hair still being shaved, she is now near bald.

on to the next match.


Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle
Both men are now into the ring, they both stare at each other. Eddie chants are heard around the arena. Both men lock up, reff breaks them up. Hamlock to front-facelock on Eddie. Eddie hits a takedown and Angle counters with a headlock. Angle goes for a duck under for a side-head lock. Eddie gets back up but Angle sweeps him back down. Eddie now goes for a headlock, Angle reverses, goes to the ring for a shoulder knock down.

Both men lock up once again. Eddie moves over to a sidehead lock. Angle counters by tossing him to the ring, but Eddie hits a knockdown. Angle falls out of the ring. Both men lock up, Eddie gets a front headlock followed by a firemen takedown. Front headlock by Angle on Eddie. Angle goes for a 1 count while holding on to the front headlock. Both men are now up, with the hold still on. Eddie flips Angle over to break out of the move. Eddie now hits an armbar on Angle.

Angle tries to get out of the lock, both men are now up. Angle gets a go behind followed by a knee to the midsection. Angle hits an abdominal streatch on Eddie. Eddie breaks out of the move, and goes for a suplex, Eddie tries another but Angle counters and hits a german suplex. Angle picks Eddie up for another one but Eddie holds onto the ropes. On the edge of the ring Angle tries to supplex Eddie off the ring onto the floor but Eddie holds on tight. Eddie is in the ring, but Angle is out, Eddie hits a dropkick to keep Angle out. Eddie goes to the top rope to go for a high risk move. Angle moves out of the way for Eddie to hit the security rails. Both men back in the ring and Angle gets a 2 count. Angle picks up Eddie for a backbreaker. Angle seems to be working on Angle's back/ribs.

Angle has his shoulders to Eddie's gutt, followed by a body sizzor hold. Both men now getting to their feet, Eddie counters with a DDT. Eddie runs towards Angle but Angle picks up Eddie and throws him onto the rope. Angle goes for the pin and gets a 2 count. Angle then sets up Eddie for a belly to belly suplex and Angle feeling confident. Angle then goes for another and gets a close 2 count. Angle once again going for a hold in the midsection. Both men on their feets with the hold still on Eddie. Eddie counters with thumbs to the eye. Angle then gets another belly to belly for a 2 count.

Angle puts Eddie over the top rope and goes for some knife edge chops. Angle goes to the top, eddie counters with a headbutt, throws Angle off. Eddie goes for the frogsplash but Angle moves out of the way. Angle back up and stomps Eddie in the midsection with his fists and foot. Eddie using Angle to get back up, but Angle hits a straight right hand to knock out Eddie. Both men back to their feet, and Angle hits another right hand to knock Eddie down. Angle goes for more right hands, and eddie gets back up asking for more. Eddie getting his momemtum back by getting some right hands of his own. Eddie goes for a suplex on Angle, followed by a close 2 count.

Eddie goes for a suplex, Angle counters and nails a German Suplex and holds on to the move, but Eddie counters with a rollup for a 2 count. Angle gets up quickly and nails Eddie with a clothesline. Angle is up and tries to hit the ANgle slam, but Eddie counters with an armsplash. Eddie up and gets a suplex on Angle, followed by 1 more, at 3rd Eddie counters and goes for the Angle lock. Eddie counters by kicking Angle away. Angle runs towards Eddie, but he counters with a drop kick. Eddie goes to the top for a frogsplash but Angle throws him off the ringpost to get a 2 count. Angle pulls down his straps and goes for another Angle lock, dragging Eddie to the center of the ring, Eddie counters and gets a close 2 count. Angle then hits another german suplex.

Eddie hits a DDT on Angle, Eddie goes to the top and executes a frog splash for a very close 2 count. Eddie tries to lift Angle up, but Angle counters for the Angle lock in the center of the ring. Eddie moves towards the ropes. Eddie looks like he will tap out, but Eddie counters rolling over tossing Angle out of the ring. Eddie's ankle's seems to be injured. Eddie tries to take his boots off, and conforts his ankle. Angle comes back into the ring, it looks like Eddie cant get up. Another Angle lock and he breaks out again by kicking eddie off, Angle grabs his boot off, Eddie hits a small package for the 3 count EDDIE WINS.

Eddie is shown kissing his boot and belt as he wasnt really injured.



Undertaker vs Kane
Kane comes down the ring, in the background the WM setup city appears burning down.

Lights go dark for the Undertaker's entrance.
Paul Bearer's voice is heard "OH YES"

Bearer comes down holding an urn with others holding flames.

Modified version of Undertaker's old music hits. Undertaker comes out in his deadman custume but with a leather jacket/hat.

Jim Ross mentions that Undertaker never lost at a WrestleMania.

Both men are now in the ring. Kane says that Undertaker is not real, the bell rings.

Undertaker starts the fight by throwing a bunch of left and right hands all over Kane. Taker chases the reff out of the ring. Taker sends Kane to the ropes, but Kane runs out of the ring. Taker comes to follow Kane, Kane starts with some offence of himself to Kane's face. Taker counters by throwing Kane to the ring. Taker hits an elbow to Kane's neck, followed by a legtop from the top.

Both men are now back into the ring. Taker throws Kane into the ring corner, and then goes for a few splashes into Kane. Taker hits a kick to the midection, sets up for the last ride but Kane blocks the move. Kane hits a kick knocking down Taker, then goes for punches to Taker's face. Taker fires back with left and rights to Kane's face. Taker chases the reff out once again. Kane follows with a sidewalk slam onto taker. Kane goes to the top rope, Taker gets up, Kane follows with a flying clothesline. Both men up once again. Both men trading right hands. Kane applies an uppercut to Taker and throws him towards the ring corner. Undertaker hits a legdrop to Kane. Both men are up. Taker grabs Kane's arm and walks the roped for his slam. Kane counters with a chokehold, Taker does the same, the hold his removed. Kane gets the move back and hits Undertaker with a chokeslam and starts laughing.

Kane is showing off, Undertaker sets right up and Kane is surprised. Kane tries to fight off, but Taker hits a bunch of right hands. Kane kicks Taker in the face but it took no effect. Taker blocks a clothesline and then goes for his body-air move, followed by a chokeslam on Kane. Undertaker then shows that Kane is a deadman. Undertaker lifts up Kane for the tombstone piledriver.



HBK vs Chris Benoit vs HHH
HBK is the first to come down into the ring, followed by Chris Benoit then HHH.

All 3 men are now in the ring. Match starts off, Benoit wants to double team but HBK pushes him away. Benoit his the cross face on HBK but quickly backs out. Knifee edge chops are passed between both. Takedown by HBK. Benoit attempts a backslide but no avail. Cradle by HBK for a 1 count. Suplex by Benoit followed by another 1 count. HHH comes into the ring and knocks out HBK, then goes for Benoit with some right hands to the head.

HHH throws Benoit towards HBK and HBK throws Benoit out of the ring. Back body drop by HBK to HHH. 2 Count by HHH on HBK. Benoit comes back into the ring with a couple headbutts on HHH, HHH kicks Benoit away and rams Benoits back to the edge of the ring, followed again, then HBK goes for a baseball slide to Benoit's back knocking down both. HBK goes to the top of the ring and goes for a moonsault. All 3 men are now down outside of the ring.

HBK and HHH get back up. HBK goes for a 2 count but gets a near fall. HBK goes for some knife edge chops, throws HHH to the ring, HHH counters with a facebuster. Benoit grabs HBK and tries to go for a suplex but HBK counters. Benoit throws HBK to the ringpost. Benoit now goes over to HHH and nails a snap suplex. Benoit now goes for some knife edge chops. Benoit tries to bring HHH to the other corner, but HHH counters. HHH brings Benoit to the top of the ring and starts slaping Benoits's back. Benoit tied upside down into the ring, grabs HBK and throws HBK into Benoit who is helpless.

Michaels reversed a toss to tied up Benoit, but counters and HHH ends up bumping into Benoit. Benoit is now free of the tie up. All 3 men are down, HBK powers back up, Benoit knocks HBK right out of the ring. Benoit then goes for HHH and goes for a suplex, HHH tries to counter the 2nd german suplex but Benoit fights back and nails him with 2 more. Benoit then goes up to the top of the ring for the flying headbutt. HBK counters and pushes Benoit down. HBK prepares for the sweet chin music on HHH but counters, HHH hits HBK with a DDT and the impact tosses HBK out of the ring.

Benoit still on the top, HHH tries to suplex Benoit from the top. Benoit fights back, HHH falls off. HHH hits a headbutt and a front face lock, followed by a suplex from the top rope, and 3 2 counts. HHH grabs Benoits head and punches his head. Benoit throws HHH towards the ropes, tries a pedigree, but Benoit counters and hits the cross face. HBK comes back into the ring to break off the hold. HHH is down looking in pain. HBK and Benoit get up, HBK hits a suplex of his own. Benoit then goes for suplexes for a crowd cheer. Benoit then goes for 2 more german suplexes. Benoit calls for another flying headbutt on HBK. Benoit hits the headbutt from the top rope, and gets a 2 count on HBK. HHH is still down. Benoit goes for a 2nd pin but only gets a 2 count.

Benoit and HBK both colide at each other, Benoit falls out of the ring, gets back up to see HHH has gotten up. HBK hits a bunch of small clotheslines on HHH, followed by a scoopslam. HBK goes to the top of the ring and nails an elbow drop. HBK is preparing for another sweet chin music, HBK nails it right on the face, goes for a pin but Benoit pulls HHH right out of the ring. HBK goes out of the ring and fights with Benoit. Benoit and HBK are back in the ring. HBK has Benoit set in the corner of the ring and nails a few knife edge chops to the chest. HBK tosses HBK to the other corner, Benoit counters and HBK goes slightly over the top. Benoit goes for a leg submission but changes it to a catipult. HBK is now busted wide open, Benoit nails a cross face on HBK.

HHH grabs HBK's arms while HBK was about to tap out. All 3 men are down, HHH gets back up and drags Benoit out of the ring. Benoit grabs HHH's head and throws it right into the metal steps. Outside of the ring, Benoit is chopping the chest of HHH. Benoit tries to throw HHH into the steel steps, but HHH counters and hits the move on his own. HHH takes apart the SmackDown announcing table. Benoit fights back with a punch to the midsection, and throws HHH's head into the spanish announce table. Both men on the spanish announce table. Benoit prepares to suplex HHH to the RAW announce table but HHH counters. HHH sets up the same move but in the other direction. Benoit fights back, HBK joins them on the table. Both now teaming up against Benoit and slammed Benoit throuh the SmackDown announcing table. HBK is now in the ring calling out HHH as its only them left. Benoit is knocked out from the suplex. HBK's face is full of blood.

They are now back in the ring, throwing punches and chops at each other. HBK throws Benoit out of the ring knocking over a camera man. HBK throws HHH into the ringpost. Both men are now broken up in their faces. HBK throws HHH back into the ring. Both men are now up, Benoit goes for a few punches to the face. HHH sets HBK up for the pedigree and nails it, but both of them are down. HHH tries to get up to cover HBK, but Benoit comes out of nowhere to break the pin.

All 3 men are now down in the ring. Benoit is the only one without a broken up face. HHH gets up and picks up Benoit, Benoit counters with some chops to HHH's face. HHH sets up the pedigree on HHH, Benoit counters trying to set up the sharpshooter. HHH is going nuts in the hold. HHH is preparing to tap but HBK comes out with a sweet chin music right onto Benoit. All 3 men are down.

HBK is the first to get up. Crowd is chanting for Benoit although he is down. HBK is preparing to hit another sweet chin music onto Benoit. Benoit counters by ducking and lifting the rope. HHH gets back up and tries to nail the pedigree, Benoit counters with a cross face. HHH appears to be fading away. Reff picks up HHH's arm but he holds it right up. HHH counters but Benoit holds onto the move and now they are on the other side of the ring.



Benoit is shown celebrating his World Title win.
Eddie Guerrero comes down into the ring and celebrates his title win. Confetti is thrown down into the ring.

At the end, various clips of the show are shown.