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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Superbowl not so super

Ok I did not actually watch the game, I was watching the commercials. The only one I wanted to see was the Pepsi/iTunes one. All the Bud Light ones just got old. The halftime show in my opinion sucked. Sorry but who really cares about Michael,er I mean Janet (they look so much a like they could be the same person) and Justin anyways (you can tell MTV produced this one). That and the whole boob flash was so staged (Hello, nipple guard/shield or whatever it was. And the outfit came apart a little too well). After I came through from the shit that was somehow supposed to be entertaining I went to I knew there would be a thread up about it(JJ boob flash/halftimeshow/commercials). And there was. And for your reading pleasure here is the link, fark tread. I have to agree with what some of the commenter said, CBS would rather have some shit like this than having commercials from Bushin30seconds. These commercials would have been more entertaining then seeing some lame ass halftime show that was basically a publicity stunt for Janet's new CD.

As I said I went to the internet almost right after the previously mentioned so called entertainment and with in 5-10 minutes it was up and links to pics and vids were already available. Just simple amazing. Along with all this a link to the Drudge Report was also posted saying that the stunt was accepted by CBS, and then yet another link from CBS saying that they knew nothing about it. Either way it was just plain stupid and as I said before I would have rather seen Bushin30seconds. I will admit that the tribute to the Columbia crew at the beginning was cool.