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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Cyberalert warning system

Link Kate sent me this morning, the story from fark, and then again on and I heard about this a couple of weeks ago but was waiting for it to be set up because no one knew for sure what it was going to be like., the most useless thing the government has done since GW. Why am I being so hard on this warning system that is going to make the internet safer for all? Well giving my e-mail address out to the government is something that I just do not trust doing. Let's see, how well has the CANN-SPAM Act worked to stop spam, spam is up by close to 70% since it went in to effect. I can vouch for this, just take a look at my mail server. Ok, now to this new system. Like the terror alert system that has been in effect since just after 9-11, and has not dropped below yellow for whatever reason. You sign up for these e-mail alerts whenever a new virus or something that could be damaging to your computer is unleashed to run wild on the net. Sounds good right? Wrong, for many different reasons. One, who decides what level a virus is. If they run this system the way they run the terror alert system you will receive an e-mail every day saying that it is a red alert because some idiot just got a virus that is a year old. Two, giving out your e-mail address is just a bad thing. Yeah I know we all give out our e-mail address' all the time, but do you really trust the government with something like that? I sure as hell don't. I went through part of the process to signup for the alerts and found something that a site like this should have, and that is security. I am sure that all of you have seen that little 'lock' that appears in the tray at the bottom of your web browser when you go to some sites, mostly banks and similar site. This 'lock' means that all info is encrypted and no one can see the info that you are sending and receiving from that site. This is '.gov', which is a government site and one would expect them to have this. That and in order to get on the list you have to send them an e-mail and then reply back after an e-mail is sent to you saying that you did sign up. Sounds like more work then is needed, besides this is just adding to the amount of web traffic that is already out there. Third, how long before someone spoofs the alert e-mail and sends a virus through it. This is how viruses are spread through e-mails, along with spam. There are many more reasons why this is a bad idea and why you should not sign up.

The real problem is the stupid users out there. The ones that do not follow the steps to protect themselves. They are the ones that you just want to tell get off the internet because they are just so dumb about it. I know I am being harsh but it is true. I am sure everyone knows someone like this. Just use a little common sense is all you have to do. But then again these are the people that keep me in work.

So, you want to protect yourself from viruses huh? Well here are several little steps that you can do on your own to prevent yourself from getting any. Here they are in no particular order:

1. Use a good anti-virus software and keep it up to date. McAfee and Norton Anti-virus are both good. There are several free ones, AVG for example, that you can download from the web that are just as good. For these go to and search for 'free anti-virus software'. Make sure you do regular updates so you have all the new virus terms.

2. DO NOT OPEN E-MAIL ATTACHMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This could be considered the number one reason for viruses being spread. Also turn off the preview in your mail client, i.e. Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc. I know this is so nice I do not have to open the mail to read it. Yes but this in fact does open the mail and if a virus is in the message then guess what, you got it, unless you are running a good anti-virus software.

3. Update your operating system. 'You mean I have to update that?' or 'What is that?' Those are two things that I get a lot. First what is an OS, operating system, it is the program that runs your computer. Some example, Windows, Mac OS, Linux, FreeBsD, and so on. Second, yes you have to update your OS. There are always little flaws that are being found and the makers of these OSes are patching the problems.

Alright, now you know how to protect yourself and why the government's attempt to help is just plain wrong. For now I will sit back and wait for the report that someone has hacked the us-cert site and the new virus that is being spread because someone spoofed the e-mail system. Along with the phone calls and e-mail from people that hear the net is under an orange alert and freak out, for them I will say to disconnect from the net because it is just too dangerous and go to the airport with a nail file in their pocket and board a plane. Now that would be fun to see.