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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

New Podcast is up


Hey everyone, this will probably be the start of a weekly to biweekly podcast. Tonight myself and Evan got together to throw back a few and just chill. Evan is a friend of mine and we work together. So here is what we talked about:

The Dukes of Hazzard movie
Evan loves his girlfriend Megan
The Optimus keyboard
Drinking can make you smrt (yeah I know I spelled it wrong)
Your own google homepage
Quiznos crew
Val's new blog (post some comments to keep her going)
General BS

No we did not do this one naked so do not ask.

Enjoy and remember as always, until next time, I'll click ya later.


  • At 4:11 PM, Kate said…

    Takes too long to download, sorry! On dialup it's about 7 hours, and even on my T1 at work, it's 10 minutes (which might be OK, but I don't have speakers at the moment, so I can't listen anyway). Ohhhh well.


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