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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Defense bill could stifle computer trade

Defense bill could stifle computer trade | CNET

"Defense proposal would classify any PC with a chip more powerful than a Pentuim 3 (running at 650mhz) as a weapon."
"Today, computer sellers are required to get a license to export any computer with performance equal to or greater than a system with 32 Intel Itanium processors. The current version of the defense authorization act would lower that limit to systems deemed "militarily critical" by the Department of Defense. That level is currently set to the equivalent of a computer using a Pentium 3 processor running at 650MHz, state of the art in 1999 but considered feeble today." No shit it is feeble today. Mutiply that by 4 and you are closer to what is feeble.

I just want to know which members of congress comes up with this type of shit. Will this mean you are going to have to have a special permit to accure computer parts in the US at some later date? Does this mean that 3 of my computers are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction, because they are running at over 1Ghz? I know that this is affecting exports and it will likely be dropped but that does not mean that it could not play some role with in the states. I mean with all the other, what I call anti-tech, bills that congress has put out there it would not surprise me if they try to make it more difficult to buy a computer in the states.


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