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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Drink like a...goat?!

Capricorn Style:
Capricorn is usually described as pratical,
steadfast, money-hungry and status thristy --
no wonder they get left off the astrological
cocktail-party list. but this is the sign of
David Bowie and Anne Lennox, not to mention
Elvis. Capricorn is the true rock star:
independant, powerful and seriously
charismatic, not too eager to please. And if
they make money being themselves, who are you
to quibble? But just like most rock stars,
their either totally in or totally off, and
they generally need a little social lubricant
to loosen up and enjoy the after party,
espescally if they hook up with a cool groupie.

Alcohoroscopes MRK 2- the stars and your drinking style
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