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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Yahoo! News - P2P Companies Take Aim at the RIAA

Yahoo! News - P2P Companies Take Aim at the RIAA: "The RIAA also announced that it has received 838 affidavits for its 'Clean Slate Program,' which offers amnesty to peer-to-peer users who voluntarily identify themselves and pledge to stop sharing copyrighted music on the Internet." Who in the heck are these people!? Why would you come out and say 'Hi, my name is ____. Here is all the songs that I have downloaded. Take mercy on me. I will never do it agian.' This means the RIAA will not sue you, it says nothing about the record companies. They can still do whatever they want without the RIAA. I am glad the P2P companies are fighting back. I hope that they can get some sort of agreement going so that we do not have to pay the ridicules prices for the songs that other services are offering.