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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Time to for a little rant

As you all know I have been chairman of St. Mary's Bingo for about 6 years now. During this time I have done allot to make it better and generate more money for the parish. Last night at a K of C meeting, the trustees and Fr. Ralko said that they have say over us and anything that we do. This is bullshit, these men have no idea what goes on at bingo or how to even run it. They even admitted to such. Now I have to get their permission to do stuff that I have always done before. As far as I know my name is at the top of the list of people that are in charge of bingo and it is a small list, 3 at most. I have been told to just be patient and go along with it but I say "FUCK THAT!!!!" I am not going to listen to a bunch of guys that know nothing. Besides if they are in charge where have they been for the last 6 years? I will tell you, they have been in the bar drinking and laughing at the few of us that have been running our asses off keeping things going. As far as I am concerned these people can all go to hell and rot. Yes that includes a priest but there is more there then what I want to get into now. If you read this far, thanks for letting me vent and sorry for the swearing but that is what I am thinking. I will keep you posted on this as I get more info.