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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Computer no work

Well with the power going out last night I was felling down not being able to use it. But when the power came back this morning I was happy again, until... I pressed the power button and nothing happen. I have been trouble shooting it and I believe that it is in the motherboard. I just ordered a new mobo/CPU combo and it is on next day delivery so I should be up and running again tomorrow afternoon. So for now I have to use my poor little laptop. I have no IM on here and no ones e-mail addresses. So I will be in limbo for the next day or so. Until then oot.


I just downloaded AIM, Google Toolbar, and w.blogger so I will still be able to have some form of communication now.