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Extreme Alpha Geek

On the bleeding edge of technology. Because tech things, turn me on.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tuesday's Turtle Soup


Sorry for the lack of posts this past week. Been kept busy with classes and work. I did find time to try out the following:

Microsoft AntiSpyware. It is still in beta but definitely worth a look.

Google Toolbar 3. This is still in beta as well but has several new features that make it a must have.

Google Maps. I would like to see a few more features added to this but all in all it does seem to be decent. Here is a link to Athens.
Google just seems to be adding to it's arsenal all the time.

Lastly here are the pix of the things my dad sent me. He said I remind him a little of all three, thanks dad.

That's all for now. Until next time, i'll click ya later.


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

OU Fight Song

I get so high I barely recognize
The test is right before my eye
My prof I do not recognize…ha ha

So bring me beer so I can ease the pain
Don’t tell my mother she’d be ashamed
She’s paying for my scchhh…tuition

This school is taking its toll on me
I am so drunk; I can not find my door
My folks are going to yell at me
When they find out I blown their cash on pizza and porn
Ahh pizza

I used to work and study late at night
To keep my GPA alright
And then I saw some boobs hahaha
I’m playing flip-cup it’s a really cool game
You flip the cup and then it falls down and ha…ha-ha

This school is taking its toll on me
I am so drunk; I’m sleeping on the floor
I’m stoned and sleeping in my own pee
I have no choice because I can not move any more
Come on Bobcats.

I ate some funky wings
I drank some skunky things
And then I got into a fight
You kicked ass
You kicked ass
I slept with someone new
Too bad he was a dude
Now my butts in pain
As I take the OU walk of shame

This school is taking its toll on me
I am so drunk; I can not find my door
My folks are going to yell at me

-Dude were you just singing?
-What wrong with you?
-You suck.
-Oh my god, did you break the beer bong again

OU Fight Song

(Luke if you want to link to the song on ToothFace you are welcome to)

Monday, February 14, 2005

Monday's Missing Links

No links have been reported missing or lost today.

Happy Valentines Day to everyone.

New StrongBad email.


Until next time, I'll click ya later.


Friday, February 11, 2005

For whom the bell tolls...

May they rest in peace.

Monday February 14, 2005 marks the day that the TechTV will finally be put to rest. G4 is dropping the TechTV name in their rebranding. TechTV has been on life support since the merger and they are finally pulling the plug. I am not going to go on a rant about how TTV was superior to G4, how TTV taught people to use and accept technology not fear it, was not a bunch of ‘actors’; that is what all the hosts are now, Hollywood actors that are there to look good and get people to watch; that know nothing about computers, targeted everyone from 8 to 9 all the way to 90 not just 12-24…ok so I did rant a little.

Also in April Politik7 will go dark. Luke as decided to take it down and work more on his own blog Toothface. This is something that many of us have seen coming, we were just not sure when it would happen. Anyways if you have never been there go and check it out while you still can.

That is all for now, the tech news will come later today. As always, until next time, I’ll click ya later.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Just another Hectic Monday

Thank you You sent me a ton of traffic this weekend, and maybe a few new readers and listeners.

Doesn't just suck when your owners skip out and leave you with all the work. That happen to a Quizno's Sub in North Seattle.

Hope our owners don't think this is a good idea. ran an article about the creator of the BitTorrent code and how the MPAA is going all RIAA on people and suing them for using P2P networks. Thanks Kate for the link.

And what is so super about the Super Bowl anyways? I didn't watch it, I don't have cable anyways so it would have been kind of hard, besides I had to work. I guess the commercials are what make it so grand. The ones this year were not that good in my opinion. If you did not watch it like me or want to see some of the commercials that people are talking about head on over to They have all of them up, even some of the banned ones.

That is all from my realm. Until next time, I'll click ya later.


Friday, February 04, 2005

Random Rambles

While no internet.


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Inmates are running the asylum